Geofoam Technical Data Sheets
Geofoam is a cellular plastic material that is strong, but has very low density (1% of traditional earth materials.) It is a manufactured in block form and meets ASTM D6817, “Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular Polystyrene Geofoam.” EPS Geofoam is available in a range of Types to provide control of structural integrity and cost effectiveness.
Geofoam Code Reports
More than 118 million pounds of EPS were recycled during calendar year 2016. This figure includes 63 million pounds of post-consumer packaging and 55.7 million pounds of post-industrial recovery. Post-consumer is defined as any material that is recycled after its intended end-use while post-industrial recovery includes EPS facility scrap that is recycled but never served its intended purpose as a packaging material or other end-use application
Geofoam Basics
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) geofoam has been used as a geotechnical material since the 1960s. EPS geofoam is approximately 1% the weight of soil and less than 10% the weight of other lightweight fill alternatives. As a lightweight fill, EPS geofoam reduces the loads imposed on adjacent and underlying soils and structures. .